LEGO Dimensions Customs Community
LEGO Dimensions Customs Community
Snow Groomer Super Tank Sea Headquarters
Snow Groomer
Snow Groomer
Owner Sober
Abilities *Target (SMG)
  • Flight
  • Cargo Hook (Grapple)
Set WWIII 2 Story Pack

Snow Groomer is a WWIII 2 vehicle in LEGO Dimensions.


KRISTI Snow Groomers were flying snowcats used in the Norwegian Resistance. The Snow Groomers were bright red with a burgundy slope in the front below the window. The wheels were a noble gray with pearl black tires and antenna. Up top was a dim gray submachine gun up top and a hook.

Bill makes his way to Forty Base on foot, but he finds himself lost in the winterstorm and collapses in the snow. Suddenly, he sees the ghost of Benjamin Shish appear before him. Shish tells Bill to go to a Floridian bog to undergo training under Sober, a grand sensei. After the soul fades, Anthony arrives to find Bill passed out, who is mumbling about Shish, Sober and Florida. At this point, the horse that Anthony was riding on collapses in the extreme cold. To keep Bill from hypothermia during the snowstorm, Anthony uses Bill's scimitar to cut open the dead animal and places Bill in it. Anthony then sets about erecting a shelter that he and Bill will stay in during the night. They are forced to stay out during the night as the flying KRISTI snowcats that the Resistance uses for atmospheric flight had not yet been adapted for the super low temperatures of the Hardangerjøkulen night and are therefore unable to mount a rescue operation to retrieve the duo.

The Smug Squadron snowcat group led by Bull commences the attack. Bill quickly realizes the elephants' armor is far too resistant for guns and decides to use attached harpoons and tow cables to tangle the elephants' legs. Bill's gunner Jaxter Walter is hit and murdered during the first approach. This leaves Gillian Padilla and his gunner Wes Babcock to make the first pass. They manage to topple one of the elephants, which is killed as Resistance soldiers storm it. The main elephant, commanded by General Nordstorm, takes their aim at the Resistance base's main power generator. Suddenly, Bill's KRISTI is shot down by the Morums, and crash-lands in the snow. Bill escapes before an elephant can step on and crush his ship.


  • Target (SMG)
  • Flight
  • Cargo Hook (Grapple)


  • Despite Sober owning it, he never used one.
  • It is currently the only vehicle that must be placed on the Toy Pad to play a level (specifically Hardangerjokulen Battle, due to it taking place inside of a Snow Groomer).