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LEGO Dimensions Customs Community

The Doctor is one of the characters for Doctor Who, appearing in its Level Pack. As of Year 3, a handful of amateur actors from LEGO brickfilm series will reprise their roles, creating alternate versions of the Twelfth Doctor, available after completing the Pack's level.

Smith Movies Ink (Isaac Smith)

The Twelfth Doctor (SmithMoviesInk)
Isaac Smith's Twelfth Doctor, as seen in "The Red Assassin".
Character Information
Name The Twelfth Doctor (SmithMoviesInk)
Gender Male
Franchise Doctor Who
Weapons/Accessories Laser Sword Mk. V, Sonic Screwdriver
Vehicles and/or Gadgets TARDIS, K-9
Occupation World-saver
Residence Unknown (The TARDIS?)

This version of the Doctor was created and played by Isaac Smith, better-known online as Smith Movies Ink.


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  • Sonar Smash
  • Technology
  • Hacking
  • Doctor Regenerate


  • This Doctor's physical minifigure, the first of two outfits for the character, was assembled using the torso of Indiana Jones, the face of Draco Malfoy, the hair of Ron Weasley, and a pair of generic black legs.
  • Smith's Doctor also has a unique Sonic Screwdriver, being built froma silver Lightsaber handle, a black stud at the bottom, a beige stud in the middle, and a transparent red stud at the top. It's a relic from an era before the official Sonic Screwdriver brick, and chronologically, it's the first red Sonic Screwdriver in a while.
  • Smith's Doctor uses his second TARDIS console room, seen in "The Last Stand", as well as the Mark V Laser Sword from "The Red Assassin".
  • Isaac Smith reprises his role here as the Doctor.

Ben The Creator

The Twelfth Doctor (Ben The Creator)
Ben the Creator's Twelfth Doctor, as seen in "The Dalek Incursion".
Character Information
Name The Twelfth Doctor (Ben The Creator)
Gender Male
Franchise Doctor Who
Weapons/Accessories Sonic Screwdriver
Vehicles and/or Gadgets TARDIS, K-9
Occupation Wanderer
Residence The TARDIS

This version of The Doctor was created and played by BenTheCreator.


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  • Sonar Smash
  • Tech Panels
  • Hacking
  • Doctor Regenerate


  • This Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver is a single black Lightsaber hilt, with a small unidentified piece at the top.